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Okurcalar Top Specialist Doctors

Okurcalar Best Doctors

Okurcalar Free Consultant Doctor

Dr. Y. Hakan Hikmet

Okurcalar Internal medicine | Okurcalar Pediatrics | Okurcalar General surgery | Okurcalar Cardiology | Okurcalar Orthopedics | Okurcalar Obstetrics and gynecology | Okurcalar Otolaryngology (ENT) | Okurcalar Radiology | Okurcalar Laboratory | Okurcalar Emergency service | Okurcalar Dermatology

Okurcalar Find a Doctor

Okurcalar Top Specialist Doctors

Okurcalar, surrounded by lush forests and secluded bays, is a haven for nature lovers. Explore hidden coves and enjoy the tranquility, knowing that top specialist doctors are also present in the area. Discover your top specialist doctor in Okurcalar.

CALL CENTER +90 535 345 34 98

Okurcalar, surrounded by lush forests and secluded bays, is a nature lover's paradise. Even in this tranquil setting, you can find a doctor in Okurcalar among the top specialist doctors who offer quality medical care. Many provide in-home and hotel visits, as well as IV drip therapy.

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